Mally DeSomma
Still Life
Still Life Paintings by Mally DeSomma
"Red Ruffles II" oil 18 x 30 framed $2300
"Scarlet Fever" oil 15 x 18 $1400 framed
" Illuminata" oil 16 x 23 $795 framed
"Red Ruffles" oil 24 x 27 sold
"Just Peachy" pastel 17 x20 $825 framed sold
"The Allman Brothers" pastel 14 x 16 $595 framed
"Garlic City" oil 8 x 11 $325 framed sold
"Double the Pleasure" oil 8 x 10 framed $345 sold
"Primary Colors" pastel 24 x 30 $3500
"The Exotics" pastel 15 x 17 $795 sold
"The Red Cloth" pastel 17 x 19 $795 sold
"Aquamarine and Opal Reflections" pastel 22 x 29 $2500
"Lunch Break" oil 5X7 $345 sold
"Garden Poppies" pastel 18 x 22 $1200 sold
"Healthy Potions" oil 24 x 24 $2000 sold
"Three's a Crowd" pastel 10 x 20 $695 sold
"Bouquet of Onions" pastel 11 x 13 $495 sold
"Temptation's V" oil 11 x 13 $495 framed
"Temptations VI" oil 11 x 13 $495 sold
"To Fool the Eye" oil 13 x 15 sold
"Temptations X" oil 5 x 5 $225
"Temptations 4" oil 13 x 13 $695 sold
"Tendrils of Temptations" oil 13 x 15 framed $695
"Heaven from Havana" oil 13 x 15 framed $795
"A Rose is a Rose" pastel 10 x 13 framed $395 sold